
Showing posts with the label #IRSGarnishment

Big Brother16 and the IRS

I'm now addicted to watching BigBrother #BB16, something I never considered watching until I was at my daughter's house. As I watch the "social game" play out, I thought it would be fun to use the players as examples of the type of people and responses we receive from the #IRS. Here are a couple, just for fun -  Devin - heavy handed and insulting; your worst nightmare; you'll do anything to get your file off his desk. Zack - loud, crazy and not much substance; you'll put up with an hour of ranting to get to one minute of rational thought. Nicole - sweet as pie; she'll bend over backwards to help you out, even though you may not like the result. Cayleb - "beast mode tax man"; my way or the highway, unless you're female. Donnie - dumb as a fox; you better watch yourself with Donnie - I think he has a masters in tax law and is former Navy Seal. Derrick - the perfect combination of smarts and empathy.  All in good fun. I wonder wha...

How to Screw Up Your IRS Issue

Here are a couple of things not to do when confronted with an IRS issue: 1. Ignore all those certified letters . Certified letters are the IRS' way of slapping you in the face to get your attention. Continue to ignore those letters and you're sure to anger the IRS. If your looking for a levy or garnishment, then you're headed in the right direction.  2. My accountant/lawyer/spouse/ etc  is responsible for filing my returns . Responsibility for filing returns rests squarely on you - not your spouse, not you accountant, not your lawyer or anyone else. Blame has no role in solving your tax issue.  3. The IRS owes me money, so I won't file . Great strategy, until you realize that the limitations period will run and you will lose that refund. And you know the movie script here - you have several years of taxes due that could be wiped out by a refund you did not claim 6 years ago. Just like any 70's disaster movie you lose. You lose the refund and you owe th...

#IRS - Rely on Our Guidance at Your Peril

In a truly Alice in Wonderland moment, the Unites States #TaxCourt issued an order in which the Court says that #IRS guidance "is not binding precedent and that taxpayers rely on same at their own peril." What? Okay, maybe the #TaxCourt meant that you can't rely on something a clerk tells you on the phone or at your local #IRS office. Maybe the #IRS representative was not authorized to issue the guidance, or perhaps they misconstrued the #TaxCode - you might understand how that could happen.  Not the case. The #TaxCourt Order in  Bobrow, Docket No. 7022-11 , dated ironically enough April 15, 2014, warns taxpayers that they can't rely on #IRS guidance. Looking deeper into the case, the advice was actually contained in an IRS publication, Number 590 to be precise. The #TaxCourt stated that reliance on Publication 590 "would not have served as substantial authority for the position taken on their tax returns." The American College of Tax Counse...

#IRSAppeals - The Saving Grace

Just when all is lost, the #IRSAppeals section comes to the rescue - sort of. #IRSAppeals is a great tool to use, at the right time and under the right circumstance. It can provide taxpayers with a break to get their house in order and make a good faith attempt to pay off the tax debt, usually via an installment plan. Its not quick fix pill. It takes work to muster the documents needed to support the taxpayer's position and to give the appeals officer the foundation to make the decision you want them to make. I like because is changes the playing field, getting it off one person's desk (collections) and onto another person's desk (appeals). Maybe its a card your don't have to play, or maybe its one you save for an other day. That is where experience plays a big role. As one collection officer told me recently, there are appeals opportunities all through the process. He was right, but the taxpayer has to get involved early to take advantage of those opportunities...

#UnfiledTaxReturns - the Elephant in the Room

So why, Austin residents, should you worry about #unfiledtaxreturns? You've gotten by this long, so why worry? Lets run through the reasons: 1. A good nights sleep - believe it or not, so many clients tell me that they have not a good sleep as the years pass and they continue not to file returns. 2. The #IRS will address your situation - the difficult thing with the #IRS is to figure out their timeline. Sometimes its 5 years; sometimes 3; sometimes 8; either way they will catch up to you, on their schedule. 3. When they do, it will impact you like a stranger walking up to you on the street and slapping you on the face, hard - When they do catch up to you, the IRS will get your attention. #WageGarnishment is clearly the worst of the actions. It will get your attention - fast. #TaxParalysis prevents many Austin residents from getting past this issue. Call us today for a free phone consult about your situation, and what we can do to help you avoid the #IRS slap. Call Austi...