
Showing posts from 2010

Always Obtain Title Insurance When Buying Real Estate

I've seen folks trying to save a buck in their closing costs  by not purchasing title insurance. This is the wrong place to save money. Check out my comments in my article - Title Insurance? You Bet! Look for more real estate information on my San Antonio Attorney Martin Cantu website.

Learn About IRS Collection Notices

Knowledge is power, as the saying goes. My clients tell me that a loss of control is the big issue in dealing with the IRS. So why not learn where the IRS stands in dealing with you and take back control of the situation? Learn more about the collection letters on San Antonio Tax Attorney Martin Cantu's Ezine site.  Have more questions? Take a look at our website for San Antonio Tax Attorney Martin Cantu. 

Learn about the role of the mortgage secondary market in the foreclosure mess

Look for an article coming soon on EZine about the role of the mortgage secondary market in the current foreclosure mess. This gives us a roadmap on how to challenge your foreclosure. Log onto my website for more information.

What to Look for in a Real Estate Contract

Just set up a Top 5 Things to Look for in Your Real Estate Contract. Its available for free at Network Funding San Antonio Austin.  Log on and ask for your free copy. Its a great thing to have as you prepare to enter into this great real estate market.

Defective Foreclosures in the news.

Yes a foreclosure is hard to overturn. But for the first time in memory, you need to take a hard look at what lenders and servicers are doing. We're suing a lender right now in Williamson County. Log on to my website for more foreclosure assistance.

Take a look at my article on IRS Collection Notices

Take a look at my new article on IRS collection notices. Click here for the article.

Texas - the not so friendly tax state.

Take a look at my new articles discussing Texas taxes and their impact on Texas small business owner. Click here to review the article. Check out my website here.

I'm now an Ezine Expert Author

Read my articles on Ezine .

Please Look at Your HOA

I ran across another HOA horror story today. No services for the privilege of sending in $120 a year. What a raquet. If a salesman or Realtor refers to - "take a right by the neighborhood pool", make them show you in writing - before closing - that your section in gets to use the pool. Check out our tips on this page.

Don't Overlook State Tax Liability

The Texas Comptroller is aggressively pursuing tax collections. Don't over look potential sales and use tax liability in your business. Determine industry "best practices" and adopt as many of those standards as you can. Small businesses may have to create a cheaper path to get to the same result, but by looking at the best practices you're aware of what the Comptroller expects from you. For more information on state taxes, check out the information on our website.

Analysis of TREC contract

We're working on an simple analysis of the Texas Real Estate Contract one to four family residential contract. You can see it on our website here .

5 things you need to know about your new home purchase

Take a look at our new web page on the 5 thing you should know about your new home purchase. We'll give you a preview - check your HOA. Yes they can put a lien on your home. Yes they can foreclose on that lien. See the entire list here.  And be sure to check out the rest of our site at

10 Things you need to know about tax collections.

Check out our new page on IRS collection procedures. We'll give you the #1 hint right here - 1. Breathe! Don’t let the panic of dealing with the IRS paralyze you into taking no action. This is the worst thing you can do.   Check out the page here.   Hope this helps you. 
Testing out our new text posting link.

Check out new website.

As if keeping up with tax law is not enough, we're entering the bold new world of designing a new website and starting a new blog. Now I know why techsters stay up all night. Check out our new site at